Standout Handbags from Colombia

Throughout my time in the field, I’ve seen a lot of product from Colombia but I find these handbags to be among the country’s most special and beautiful finds. For those of you looking for a new line of fresh bags for summer, take a peek! I love the use of natural colors, some more subdued and others with a bit more boldness and energy. The line really does speak for itself – it’s pure beauty, articulated in the exquisite details of construction.

This collection is made of 100% iraca fiber by artists from Sardona in the department of Narino in southwest Colombia. The iraca palm is native to Latin America and is primarily collected along rivers and creeks. To get the best quality fiber, the plant must have lived at least three years before it is cut. After being harvested, the fiber is burned, shredded, and dried before the weaving and dyeing process begins.

These bags are made by a group of 200 women who have learned how to weave iraca to enrich their livelihoods. One artist says, "Weaving with love leaves a bit of our hearts in every piece we create.”

Be in touch to receive their full collection or to review AOW's catalog which highlights the partners that I am currently representing. Or, if you have a specific line you want to develop or source, let me know!


Limited-Edition Mexican Craft Collection for Pandemic Relief


Adorn Those Walls with Something REALLY Special, Crafted in Mexico